Introducing Reward Requests

You can now request rewards for the StarPoints Store! 

Cant find anything thet tickles your fancy on the Starpoints Store? As tempting as another Bonfire card may seem, they cost more points compared to any other product on our store, whereas if we know what you're into, we can likley source this product directly at a better price and pass those savings onto you through the Starpoints store, how cool is that!

There are also bonus StarPoints at stake here! If you submit a product that makes it's way to the StarPoints Store and ends up being super popular, we will send some bonus StarPoints your way as a little "Thank You" for your idea... and everyone loves free StarPoints.

Pro tip: This is also a great way for you to let us know you is are still wanting a product that we no longer stock. So if you are like your mate Ollie here, and missed out on your pair of super comfy OPPO slippers, you can let us know in this form, and you may just see them reappear someday...

So what are you waiting for? Hover over the StarPoints Store menu at the top of your page and send us your ideas today!


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